Access Your ObserveNow Instance
After launching an ObserveNow instance, click on ObserveNow card and your new ObserveNow instance should appear on your Admin Console under Active Apps.
The ObserveNow stack will have three tabs:
- Apps: The Apps tab will have the apps endpoints of your ObserveNow stack such as Grafana, Jaeger, VMUI and Pyroscope.
-> Click on the Grafana icon to access your Grafana instance:
This should open up a new tab for your managed Grafana, you can login with your Google SSO or login as admin (the initial password is provided back at the App drawer > Agent tab > expand URLs and Integration Credentials).
Once logged in, your dashboards will be empty. They'll automatically begin populating when you start sending your telemetry (metrics, logs, and traces).
-> Click on the Jaeger icon to access the Jaeger UI. You can search, compare and monitor traces.
-> Click on the VMUI icon to access Victoria Metrics UI for query troubleshooting, metrics cardinality and exploring query results via graphs and tables.
- Integrations: The Integrations tab will have all the URLs and integrations credentials to integrate with you app. Go under Agents and you can choose the agents and integrate to observe your infrastructure.
In addition to the agents available, we support a large number of Prometheus exporters available on this documentation.
- Data Ingestion: The Data ingestion tab provides you the information on the data that is being ingested in GBs.