Ambassador (Emissary-ingress)
OpsVerse's telemetry agents are pre-configured to collect telemetry from Ambassador components. This document provides info about configuring your Amabassador installation to emit metrics, logs and traces.
Additionally, The official emissary site offers a general overview.
Include the following annotations in your ambassador Pod. If you are making use of the official Ambassador helm chart, you can achieve this by setting the following in the vaules.yaml file:
The recommended format for logging is json. Logging related customizations can be set using the following configurations.
Ambassador components can be configured to emit APM traces with the following configuration:
Note that the OpsVerse Otel collector is available in your K8s cluster at http://otel-collector.devopsnow.svc.cluster.local:9411.
Once the required telemetry is enabled, the Ambassador dashboard that is pre-packaged with your ObserveNow stack can be used to visualize incoming traffic.