Connect Aiden with your AWS infrastructure to get intelligent assistance with cloud operations, cost management, and resource optimization. Once enabled, Aiden can help you manage your AWS resources as naturally as discussing them with a cloud architect.
With AWS integration, Aiden can:
- Monitor and analyze cloud resource usage and costs
- Manage EC2 instances and other compute resources
- Track S3 bucket creation and configuration
- Review IAM policies and permissions
- Investigate CloudWatch metrics and logs
- Analyze AWS billing and provide cost insights
On top of the several out of the box capabilities, you can create custom skills to add additional capabilities. Here are some examples:
- Check your AWS account for a set of compliance policies
- Setup a developer self service task to create a set of AWS resources
- Analyze and debug connectivity issues following a specific set of checks
See the Skills page for more information.
- Show me S3 buckets created in the last 48 hours
- Are there any public S3 buckets?
- What's driving our AWS costs this month compared to last?
- Scale down the dev environment EC2 instances
- Review security group configurations in prod
- Are there any overly permissive security groups in us east?
- For my new project, provision all necessary the dev and QA infra
- Navigate to Integrations in the sidebar
- Locate the AWS integration card and click Activate
- Configure your AWS credentials:
- AWS Access Key ID
- AWS Secret Access Key
- Click Save to enable the integration

- Create a dedicated IAM user for Aiden with minimum required permissions. We recommend starting off with the ReadOnlyAccess AWS managed policy
- Regularly rotate access credentials
- Monitor Aiden's AWS activities through CloudTrail
Note: Ensure your AWS credentials have appropriate permissions for the tasks you want Aiden to perform.