
Individual VMs

OpsVerse's Single Node Agent can be used to collect metrics from individual VMs.

Install and Run

Download and run the agent installer on the machine you wish to install the agent:


If your machine already has the /etc/opsverse/agent-config.yaml file, the installer will prompt you to choose whether to overwrite it or to use the exiting one. For no prompt (e.g., in scripts), you may pass the -f option to force the override the existing file. Alternatively, you can pass in --no-config-override to use the existing config without prompting. If both options are used together, --no-config-override takes priority.

Verify the agent is running:


At this point, you should be able to see metrics and logs coming into your ObserveNow instance

Updating Configurations

There may be cases where you have to update the agent config file (at /etc/opsverse/agent-config.yaml). For example, when you're adding a new log dir to forward or if you're updating backend credentials.

In those cases, after config update, simply restart the agent:


Collecting Container Metrics

If your node has containers running on it, it's best to install cAdvisor so that the agent can scrape the container metrics exposed by it as well.

You can do so by running the following on any 64-bit Linux machine:


This will drop the resulting scrape target into /etc/opsverse/targets/, so the agent will begin automatically scraping.

To view a convenient dashboard, you may import the Grafana dashboard ID 11600 (ensure you select the MetricsServer datasource when prompted).

Collecting Application Traces

If your machine has applications running on them, you can instrument them with your favorite open tracing libraries (e.g., OpenTelemetry), to begin sending them to your observability backend!

To begin seeing these traces, install the OpenTelemetry Collector on your 64-bit Linux machine:


You may optionally pass the traces collector URL, user, and password (found in the Admin Console under "URLs and Integrations") via the -t, -u, and -p flags, respectively.

For any changes to the config at /etc/opsverse/exporters/opsverse-otelcontribcol/config.yaml, restart the OpenTelemetry Collector: sudo systemctl restart prom-opsverse-otelcontribcol-exporter

You may view Application Integrations for tips on how to instrument apps to emit traces.