
Prometheus-Compatible Metrics EndEndpoints

OpsVerse Agent can be configured to collect metrics from any HTTP endpoint that exposes exposes metrics in a Prometheus-compatible format.


  • OpsVerse Agent should be able to access the HTTP Endpoint that is emitting the metrics.


Kubernetes Agent

Add the following YAML snippet to the agent's values.yaml and run the agent based on these instructions.


If you already have an scrape_configs block defined in victoria-metrics-agent in your values.yaml, you can simply append the job to the end of the existing config

Please ensure that the URL/target that is being configured is emitting the metrics by navigating to the URL/target in the browser.

Standalone Agent

Create a new file in /etc/opsverse/targets/ named your-service-name.json and add the following details into it:


Save this file and restart the agent and OpsVerse agent will start scraping the new endpoint as well.