OpsVerse's Kubernetes agent can be used to collect metrics from Redis/ElastiCache.
Add the following YAML snippet to the agent's values.yaml and run the agent based on these instructions.
Refer values.yaml file from Prometheus community for additional value configurations and default values.
Add the following YAML snippet to the property victoria-metrics-agent.config.scrape_configs in your values.yaml and run the agent based on these instructions.
Alternatively, you can install the Prometheus Redis exporter on a single machine.
Run this command to install the Redis exporter as a systemd unit:
- The agent will begin scraping the metrics automatically; the script will drop the scrape target into /etc/opsverse/targets/, so the agent will begin automatically scraping
- If you need to update Redis connection info, after you install, you may edit /etc/systemd/system/prom-redis-exporter.service with the appropriate CLI args you want, and then restart the service: