Advanced Deployment Options

Sync Windows

Sync windows are configurable windows of time where syncs will either be blocked or allowed. These are defined by a kind, which can be either allow or deny, a schedule in cron format, and a duration along with one or more of either applications, namespaces, and clusters.


Following are the steps to set up a sync window:

  1. Navigate to Projects in the Settings window of Argo CD UI.
  2. Select the project to which the sync window needs to be added and click on the ADD SYNC WINDOW button.
  3. In this window there is an option to select the Kind, Schedule, Duration, Cluster, Namespace, and Application of the Sync-Window being set.
  4. Note that the time in the Schedule corresponds to the Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T) format.

Note: Refer to the official Argo CD documentation to set up Sync windows using Argo CLI.

The following points are to be noted while setting up and using a Sync Window:

  • Sync windows affect the running of both automated and manual syncs, although there is an option to allow an override for manual syncs which can be used to temporarily override the window and perform a sync.
  • If there are any allow windows matching an application then syncs will only be allowed when that particular allow window is in an active state.
  • If there are any deny windows matching an application then all syncs will be denied when the deny windows are in an active state.
  • If at any point in time, there are 2 windows of conflicting kind in the active state (one allow and another deny), then the syncs will be denied as deny windows override allow windows.
  • The UI has a panel that will display different colors depending on the state. The colors are as follows. Red: sync denied, Orange: manual allowed, and Green: sync allowed.